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Essence Aarbi oud and perfumes

Essence Aarbi oud and perfumes - Logo Design Set

About the project
Industry: Oud & Perfumes
Oud In the Middle East it is known as black gold, a pungent and prized fragrance ingredient that comes from one of the rarest and most expensive woods in the world.
The Oud is produced from trees of the genus Aquilaria, belonging to the Thymelaceae family, when they are contaminated by a particular mold. The tree rejects this aggression producing the resin. In this way the wood remains protected. The resinous heart of the wood goes from soft and odorless to dark and aromatic, in order to curb the mold growth. The infection progresses from the trunk to the roots making the tree dark brown or black.

Your logo is that one thing people notice about you. Although that might be something you haven’t focused on improving, it can make or break you. That’s because logos are not just mere decorations, they’re statements that build the first impression. Your logo is your brand’s visual cornerstone. That’s why we, at Egypixels, are committed to helping YOU stand out by creating handcrafted logos with a unique personal touch.

sketching and design construction
Design option two
sketching and design construction
Designed pattern
Design option three
sketching and design construction

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Essence Aarbi oud and perfumes

Essence Aarbi oud and perfumes
